Quotes of Kali

He who believes in nothing
should also preach to no one.

Those that can't let go of the past have no future;
Cursed, "the living dead" remains with the dead.
Hate for selfish end is a fire of hell.
No hope awaits those that sow ill-will,
whose only knowledge of justice is to kill.

Was my inability to rightfully discern a by product of my enormous amount of sins and a proof of my prayers' failure to reach heaven? Oh Most Wise, if indeed it is; please allow me then to remain a fool, than be a self-proclaim wise in my own eyes.

I'm writing in a compact and compress manner;
I never posted anything that I think is incomplete.
The flaw or limit might be in your ability to comprehend.
So please ask question, but don't dare challenge me w/query
that would force me to come out with painful disclosures;
"What you do not know won't harm you"(?),
But what you thought you know surely will.

Your thinking has nothing to do with your immune system;
No amount of positivity can save you from cold
if on its virus you exposed your breath. 

Positive thinking will not save you 
from disease, old age, and death.

Oftentimes, the first real casualty of life's battlefield are
the naive that foolishly think they're in the neutral ground.

Please don't think that because I am running away
from your battle-challenge I am afraid; I am actually
trying to save you from my wrath. 

Anger is justified by compassion.
Full of hatreds are cold as doom.
It's a sin to lodge in the room of deception,
Where shades are as dark as gloom,
And heroism is suicidal and unknown.

Our basic task to read
is primarily to understand
and not to in anyway criticize.

Sow lies, sow hatred, if these are
the fruits that you wanted to reap.

I hate it when I hate; that is why,
I hate myself when I'm hateful.

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