The Essay Writer

[FEATURED WRITER] Jericmercado, a former proby writer who's now a top elite... ..."During his first few months at, he regularly had to face revision requests – more often that any writer with the same level of activity.
His work even got rejected. He faced demotion to the Proby team...". Photo taken by Savingbutterflies.
Arlen KaliLike · Comment · Share · Yesterday95 people like this.

Katrina Yamzon Baskiñas HAHA PHOTO WAT HU HOW?Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 12:13pm
Dino Javier Ndi ako naniniwalang si jose yan. Like · Reply · 4 · Yesterday at 12:17pm Is it real, is it real? Like · 2 · Yesterday at 12:24pm
Madelaine Cailao Ninja Boy!
Sya ba itey! Aparisyon!!! Like · Reply · 2 · Yesterday at 12:26pm See for yourself! Like · 1 · Yesterday at 12:30pm
Arlen Kali Essay once lured challenged me into beating the deadline and submitting a script; then got nothing not even a response. Never again for such a scam Like · Reply · 3 · Yesterday at 1:05pm
Katrina Yamzon Baskiñas Finding that hard to believe Unlike · 1 · 18 hours ago
Arlen Kali ...seriously, it did happen to me....i have no regrets though, im happy on what had come out and what i did...."experience the best teacher" they say:-)Like · 18 hours ago · Edited
Katrina Yamzon Baskiñas Having written for them for more than a year now, I can tell you I've NEVER experienced receiving no pay for my accepted assignments. As EPH has been most helpful in helping me feed my kids, gain friends, and hone my skills, I feel it's necessary I explain the following.

It's possible that you failed to meet the deadline, because the system locks you out from officially submitting the set if you're late even by just a second. It's also possible that the article you had submitted back then was rejected by the editors/clients. There are several possible reasons for rejection, including sub-par quality, insufficient word count, numerous grammar lapses, copyscape hits, overuse/lack of keywords, or noncompliance with client's instructions). Either way, it's natural that the writer will not get any pay for the assignment. I'm sure the Management would have provided you an explanation if you contacted them

I'm seeing a lot of newbies in the site lately, many of them not readily equipped with the necessary skills for content writing; many of them receiving rejection notices. What I find admirable is how they are able to accept constructive criticisms and learn from them. Many of them have improved. If you just try to get to know us, writers--who are by the way actual people, and who may sometimes be stalkers but neverrr scammers--you'll also get to know a lot of these success stories Like · 1 · 17 hours ago

Arlen Kali im a blogger myself, and i know my limitations and the possibility of those lapses on my part....but like i said all i need was a notification of those possible lapses and i got nothing. I've worked hard for my article and am sure that i beat the very short was not my priority, specially at that time, but the reason why i failed; and I asked why but with no replyLike · 17 hours ago · Edited

Arlen Kali ...pardon me for the use of the word scam...i mean money making scheme and i believe that primarily it is what Essay is all about.Like · 30 minutes ago · Edited Hi, Arlen Kali. What's your username? Please give us the assignment URL or code of the set you are referring to so we can investigate what happened to the set you previously claimed. Keep in mind that unclaimed slots normally do not get acknowledged (i.e., first come, first served basis). Please see rules posted in the Help Center. Also, you may freely post or sell your unapproved assignments somewhere else if it was not accepted. Like · 3 hours ago

Arlen Kali It happened a couple of months ago, and i actually almost totally forget the whole thing until i read this post on my wall. i never set-foot on your site again after that first visit, and i don't intend to as of now. That experience forbids me to do so, i dont want to torture myself with the memory of it. ....But i have fun writing that common but interesting article and beating the very short deadline, that's what matter most to me. Thank you for attending to my concerns, but what had happened belongs to the past. I guess all i wanted at that time is to know the content of the winning article so i can gauge my capability as a writer. A title or a hint would had been enough. I only write for fun and for the love of truth and of writing, and i can be so passionate when inspired"-) Growth, for me, is everything; and i hope that you guys feel the same, as to improve the craft of the Filipino writers also have to improve your set of rules.

  • Madelaine Cailao Arlen Kali, like Katrina Yamzon Baskiñas, I also find that hard to believe. I have been writing for the company for 5 years and I have not experienced not getting paid for a single article I submitted. And I beg to disagree, is not, in any way, a scam. You should hear the success stories. Besides, I wouldn't have stayed for 5 years if I had a bad experience with the company, at madami pang katulad ko who stayed and will continue to stay for years to come.

    If it did happen, you can help the company if you give the URL or code to the set you are referring to so the editors can properly investigate. Cheers!Like · 1 · May 2 at 8:01am · Edited

  • Arlen Kali i usually tend to forget everything on things that i want to forget :-)And i believe i already did my part helping the company by submitting an article and sharing my experience. I have nothing against, as i've mentioned, i learned and enjoyed the experience. ...When i say scam, i don't mean scum; and the mere fact that you yourself make money out of it is a proof that it is indeed a scam; a money making scheme:-) There is nothing wrong about a scam for as long as it is legal and fair. I find the Essay topic easy, interesting and intriguing. Maybe someday i'll go back just to meet the challenge, beat the deadline, and have fun: but as of now i am too busy fighting a war to do that. Thanks, CHEERS and good luck!!
    Like · May 2 at 9:55am · Edited

  • Madelaine Cailao Arlen Kali, by definition, scam is a DISHONEST way of earning money by DECEIVING people; it is a fraudulent business scheme. And is not a scam, or any other companies that I have worked for before.Like · May 2 at 3:25pm

  • Arlen Kali A friend who is a business person once told me, "Businessmen are liars"; and another friend who worked in big companies before furthermore declared that deception is a part of business...I don't really want to dig into nor explain any further the reason why me and my friends sparingly called our means of earning money a scam. All i can say is that to some degree there is always dishonesty and deceptions in business specially on the employers part. Contractualization, low wages, are but few of the many different widespread dishonesty. You are so lucky to work in companies that are run by angels; but i am certain that those kind of companies are rare if it does exist at all. Some of my closest friends are business owners and a friend, who rose from rags to riches, was practically destroyed by his business and wealth....its not my intent to go deeper into this issue but i was somehow oblige to explain my point. I have an arsenal of proofs, but i want to maintain my first posted point about the word to avoid furthermore offending anyone.... scam is a means or ways of making money. Like · May 3 at 11:03am · Edited

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