Vengeance is Mine

 “You maybe be a sinner, but if the insanity of this world is against you and you remain standing up high, you must be that strong, empowered and protected by gods, a some kind of hero. Justice, I am supposed to be blind, but I love underdogs. I’m inclined to favor the oppressed, the poor, and the weak. For them, I am somewhat bias. Truth is all you need for me to stand with you. In my arms, you are formidable. Time that never left me will be at your side. Patience, "Vengeance is mine.”"

Edgar Matobato, a self-confessed killer and member of the dreaded Davao City Death Squad (DDS) of its former Mayor and now President Rodrigo Duterte,  went to the Philippine Senate and narrate his claim. But these allies Senators of the President were fast to conclude that he is lying because he couldn't remember the exact time or place of the crimes that he committed.
"What profits a man that gains 
the whole world but lost his soul." 
Manny Pacquiao has achieved so much,
but as the Senate hearing had shown,
he practically has nothing. 

"The best defense is offense", particularly, when the defensive is guilty. Ambition can make a person out of vision. Bias makes one blind. Pray, this the Age of Confusion; Truth is the light that shines in the clouds of doubt.

 "Never trust a politician." Most of them
act by the dictate of their belly.
And money is their God.
As in dual citizenship,
politicians are actors with dual face.
Politicians kiss ass because
basically they have no balls.

As a fool believes in nothing other than himself,
A man was revealed by what he believes.

This friend's post on facebook is disturbing:
"i will not stop doing what im doing til i finally see my country freed from 'evils' in the government,where peace and not fear is what i feel whenever i sleep and wake up the following day!! without worries evrytime i go to gigs and go home late,without fear that something might happen to my family,siblings,relatives and friends because of criminals who are just waiting for the right time to make their move!! hope one day,this dream of mine,which is in my belief,is also the dream of every one else will be materialized,thru the help of our FATHER GOD AND FATHER OF THE COUNTRY,TATAY DIGZ!!" -Michael O

The best way to deal with fanatics 
is to not deal with them.

Where I'm from, Matobato is but a seemingly irrelevant solid-rock-sea formation. Clearly, may it be for the sake of lies or truth and as a straw of grass can kill, nothing was created without a purpose.


God allowed us to fight His battle, but it's Him that wins the war. Our duty is simply to fight the endless battle for peace, love and justice in enemy's territory. Killing is not the primary option dying is.

A hundred years
with thousand fools
will not make anyone wise. 
Truth needs no number
that enhance lies.


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