The Constructive Hammer

A friend on Facebook posted this status on his wall:

Harvey Keh April 24 at 9:39pm · Bagasbas ·

Received several messages from friends here in FB asking if I have lost trust in PNoy and if I am no longer supporting him. My answer is despite my recent frustrations and disappointments with him, I still continue to trust PNoy. No leader is perfect, I know how hard it is to be a leader with huge expectations bearing down on you and trying to juggle various the interests of various groups.

I just wish and pray that he would open his eyes and realize that some of his good friends are misleading him and are causing his downfall. I also hope that he would use his final months in office to further push for reforms rather than erasing all the reforms that he started when he assumed office in 2010. 
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Buds Marasigan Convocar: I was once an avid supporter of PNoy, but there are just too many issues that shows his lack of sincerity in pursuing his "Daang Matuwid" For a very long time, so many complaints against Alcala have cropped up but obviously Alcala's influence on PNoy is too strong. He should have been kicked out a long time ago if PNoy is really serious in his "Daang Matuwid" campaign. April 24 at 9:45pm · Unlike · 2

Ines Basaen not only lack of sincerity but might be incompetence. sayang..April 24 at 9:51pm · Like · 1

Khadafy Indar Pnoy is just a human but he is better compare to other especially when we talked about corruption, and his effort to make Philippine economy better.  April 24 at 9:52pm · Like · 3

Babylou Edmilao Why dont you post comments on his official sure he will be glad to read of your construtive suggestions....April 24 at 10:39pm · Like

Arlen Kali "Tell me who your friends are i'll tell you who you are." ...Pusisima, Alcala, and PNoy are birds of the same feather.  April 24 at 11:46pm · Like

Carmelo Go True color revealed - TRAPO din pala! Yesterday at 12:42am · Unlike · 1

Antonio F. Lizardo Jr. Who among us will tell somebody that our wife or husband is crazy or stupid or does not know about raising a family or unfaithful or not sincere or incompetent? In general, who among us will even tell our neighbors some negative aspects of our wife/husband? If you have that guts, then you are perfect and I can tell you who you are? We tend to keep secrets even we are being embarassed because we value relationship, isn't it? But I know, there will be an end for that embarassment! Just like our President, it is showing that he has the capabilities to deal with embarassment even if some of his "chosen" cabinet members are at fault (as others have said it). As Harvey Keh is telling us that it is hard to be a leader. Just imagine, Pnoy chose to chew the embarassments that causes his downfall. Indeed, that it is really hard!!!

Let us be practical, Pnoy is what we have until we elect a new one. He had done many great things and please feel it; open our eyes; listen very carefully; broaden our horizon of understanding and I believe, Pnoy will leave Malacañang with a legacy.Yesterday at 12:57am · Like · 3

Ted Herbosa I agree. He is being misinformed. 23 hrs · Like

Arlen Kali ..protecting a corrupt friend or friends at the expense of millions, specially of the poor, is not embarrasment but insanity; and a misinformed leader that act based on misinformation has no right to be called a leader...there is a saying "if you cannot explain your truth in few words, you dont actually understand what you are saying". Blind follower, fanatics, this is one of the prime reasons why corruption and corrupt leaders in the government prosper. i voted for PNoy because of his parent's legacy; i just hope that he would still leave a good legacy of his own. As of now what i am seeing, and it deeply saddened me, is a son who is destroying the legacy of his parents that i myself treasured. 21 hrs · Edited · Like

Antonio F. Lizardo Jr. I am sorry Arlen Kali, nobody in this universe that can ever destroy one's legacy, even our President cannot do it. The legacy that I am referring to is absolute therefore, your statement (is a son who is destroying the legacy of his parents..) is moot and academic. And, by the way, you are Pnoy's boss, so its probably safe to say, that it is your fault? ? ? 17 hrs · Like

Arlen Kali "LEGACY (lµg“…-s¶) n., pl. leg·a·cies. 1. Money or property bequeathed to another by will. 2. Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past"....nothing on earth is indestructible; in the case of PNoy, he is a legacy of Cory and Ninoy (my heroes) who is destroying himself with the help of the crooks around him and his fanatics blind followers....i voted for him, if that is my fault, i accept. But i never believe the redundant moronic dramatic lip service lie that i am even one of PNoy's pardon me if i don't believe that there is such a thing as your absolute legacy.  9 hrs · Edited · Like

Antonio F. Lizardo Jr. Ok, Arlen Kali, maybe we are really swayed by our emotions. But, I really like having friends commenting on a topic. Actually, i have too many friends on the other side of the web with different topics and I learned from them.

For the know, I did not vote for Pnoy but I like many of his works. Look at our economy (this is the greatest) - some do not feel it because these some are not taking most of their time to work to live. Have you heard about a farmer who have children that graduated from their schools with honors? Lots of them (the "poor") were reported (newspaper, web, media and the likes). If all are like that, believe me, we are a great nation.102 million Filipinos with a hard working President! In our family, we are eight and problems still exist. It is manageable though, because we help each other, we understand each other and the fact is, we discovered that the problems are basically triggered by personality traits. In general, we still care for each other.

It is possible therefore, that we can attain greatness for our country by starting to build our families in such a way we can help our President. He alone cannot do it and I am thankful that there are people who looks at him to correct some mistakes. Some do it constructively, some "destructively"!!!

Nung bata pa ako, napaka-kulit ko, i even set our house on fire! I enjoyed burning our house. My mom almost took off my right middle finger using a metal meat tenderizer. What I am saying is, life is full of experiences (good or bad) and and we can learn from it. If Pnoy can do it for six years, it is better! But, I already put my understanding on his side, he cannot do it for that long. I put my trust on him because he is the one who started "changes" in our government. He will step down soon and we are still the bosses of our next President.On my part, I will still be a good Fiipino citizen! I will support whoever Filipinos voted for. This time, for more than 25 years of not casting my vote, I will carefully choose for a leader that could support Pnoy's "starters." I will never burn our house again and I can't do that no more because it is made from 98% concrete. And, by the way, I am not an arsonist. Pnoy just built a house foundation and I will help to build it up to the rooftop so that in the future, Filipinos' house will be better. 1 hr · Edited · Like

Arlen Kali Such an open-mindedness, thank you sir Antonio F. Lizardo Jr; Liberal Party befits you sir:-) pls accept my respect....I was never an arsonist, although i dreamed of burning a city when i was young:-D As of now, what i am actually trying to get rid of (burn figuratively) are the "corrupt houses of lies". Am myself a builder, who is dreaming of a strong nation built on a solid stone of truth, a constructive hammer that is harsh on a nail. Just now · Edited · Like

Antonio F. Lizardo Jr. Nice one Arlen Kali. It is nice that you did not burn the city! 😅😅

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